Our vision is to clothe our community with confidence. Our volunteers stock our clothing room with generous donations from the community. Each month we give the clothing items away for free to families in need.
Need Clothes?
Are you in need of clothes or know someone who is in need? If so, please stop by our facility to “shop” around. The Clothing Room is open the second Saturday of the month when the Food Bank is open. Each family must sign in when they enter the room and may take up to 15 items. After you have selected your items, our volunteers will bag them up so you can easily take them home with you. If you have an emergency situation where you need clothes, please contact us: 412-531-0590
Want to Donate?
Since this ministry continues to grow, we constantly need more inventory in order to have enough to give to those who are struggling. If you would like to sow into the needs of the community please consider donating your new or gently used items. Donations are accepted Monday-Friday from 9am to 2pm at the ramp door by the Blvd. just ring the bell or by appointment. To schedule an after hours drop off, please call 412-531-0590.
Want to Volunteer?
Whether you are in school looking for volunteer hours, or simply want tot give back to the community, we would love to have you help us in the Clothing Room. We are always looking for volunteers to help sort, hang, and box up clothes and shoes. If you are interested in helping, please call 412-531-0590. items.
We take the following:
-Clothes: Women, Men, Teenagers, Girls, Boys, Toddlers, Infants
– Shoes
– Socks
– NEW Undergarments and bathing suits (for sanitary reasons we will not be able to give these away if they are used)
– blankets
Also, please check back every month to review our “Item of the Month”. We will post our most immediate need for the month in this section.
Item of the Month: Men’s Clothing